Do you ever ponder on some of the wonderfully weird album titles or indeed band names. Over the years working in record stores i've come across quite a few. So let's take a look at some and maybe even a listen at what some of them sound like.

The name for the band came from a headline in a local newspaper about a local pilot of a small airplane who had his foot stitched back on after a crash. The original headline read "Stitched-back foot airman on the mend" I remember we stacked this mini LP at Pride's in Lincoln. Love both the title and the band name.

Another from my Pride days. Dead Kennedys "Fresh fruit for rotting vegetables"

This is one that I vaguely remember Kim raving about when we stocked it a Diskits. I didn't quite get him back then, but have liked a lot of his stuff since.

Millie Jackson "Back to the shit" Millie Jackson a great soul singer who loved to shock, but who had a really great voice.

The Unicorns "Who will cut our hair when we're gone". I remember stocking this at Diskits, from around 2003. Can't remember if it was a UK release or an import. Don't remember listening to it back then, but sounds good and would most definately have become a Diskits fave if we had.

Eno "Here come the Warm Jets" a classic seventies album from Roxy's keyboard and synth wizard. Not only the album title was a bit weird but many of the track titles as well. Needles in the Camel's eye, Paw paw Negro blowtorch, Dead finks don't talk to name a few.

The Third Ear Band "Elements" from 1970, remember listening to this while still at school, always loved "Water". I first heard this track on the Harvest compilation "Picnic A breath of fresh air", and tracked down the LP in Syd Booth's on Queen Street Mansfield. One of many prog rock psychedelic bands featured on this great double album sampler.

Just had to add this one, just look at the list ogreat names on the cover. Harvest was certainly one of the great British record labels in the late sixties early seventies. Kevin Ayers "Eleanor's cake which ate her" wonderfully British.
That's it for now, but surely more to follow..............................
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